Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

Blogging With John Chow

Real Blog Marketing Guidance
to visit official website click here


Making money online with blogging is possible but many people still find it hard to make their dream come true. If you also desperate and almost give up with blogging, you need to hold on and read the real Blog Marketing guidance from John Chow. By reading the e-book, you will reveal the secret why John Chow – a famous blogger that can $40,000 a month – can reach his success and enjoy his life to the fullest with only 2-4 hours working at his comfortable house.

What makes Blogging with John Chow is real guidance is because he unselfishly share his secret about blogging from A to Z. The guidance is for everybody in any level. If you are newbie that know nothing about blogging, you can learn how to set up a blog, how to get traffic to your blog, and how to monetize your blog. For advanced marketer, you can learn how to optimize email marketing, how to brand your website, and how to establish your credentials for the long-term. This guidance is complete Blog Marketing secrets. You do not only get the PDF e-book but you are also completed by video tutorials in systematical order so you can easily follow the step-by-step tutorial to reach your success from the very beginning.

Nevertheless, if you dream of being a millionaire in 24 hours you should stay away from this product. If you dream of instant solution that gives you automated system for automated money flow in your pocket without effort, you also need to forget it. Success is about a hard work and being rich needs a hard work. John Chow himself needs a long time before he can reach his position today. This product shows you how to reach your success in the real world and not to dream of something impossible. This is why the product is a legitimate Blog Marketing solution because John Chow shows you a real guidance with proven techniques. J

Here is a way to meet with official BLOGGING WITH JOHN CHOW Click Here

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Getting Income through Blog

You can use your blog to earn money if your blog has many visitors, and has been in the top 10-search list. If it is not, who is going to know your blog? Since usually people browsing just look at the first page of the search list. Here are the steps to earn money from the blog:

  1.  Make it interesting and quality article. The content of the blog is the king and even the main and principal thing that should be on the blog is articles. Yes, our ultimate goal to build a blog is to present useful information to the visitors. Many people or visitors will be attracted to come to your blog if it is really interesting and contains articles that are needed by others.
  2.  Advertise and promote your blog. By doing that, it will allows other parties to participate and serve ads on your blog.
  3. Start commenting other blogs or fins backlink to make your blog become famous. This is the way; you have to leave a link of your blog through comments on the blogs that you visit. It is also the basis of an SEO.

Those are some great tips to earn money from blogs. You can learn some more here

Top 10 Bloggers with the Highest Income in the World

Hi Friends..... According to you, how much does the income that could be obtained a blog? Is a blog can be used to make money? Such questions are asked by many people who want to find other sources of income as Blogger or just want to justify myself that being a blogger is not any good.

Perhaps the answer to this question is actually back to your own. How much income you want from blogging activities? Determine it on your own. To be sure, the blogging world actually offers many opportunities.

This is a concrete example of successful bloggers that get benefits from their blogs, include:

  1. TechCrunch.com: TechCrunch initially managed by Michael Arrington, a lawyer as well as a tech geek. Today, TechCrunch fronted by a number of editors who work as a team. This niche blog is technology and starts up. The earning income per month is $200,000 and the TechCrunch sourced primarily from banner ads. It is said that the spot price of an ad for a month at TechCrunch is $10,000!
  2. Mashable.com: Mashable is a blog created by Pete Cashmore, a web technology consultant from Scotland and is currently staffed by 10 people remained editor. Blogs with the tag line ‘The Social Media Guide” is targeted niche social media as a target. Founded in 2005, Mashable is now making money $180,000 per month. Mashable is the main source of income from banner ads.
  3. PerezHilton.com: PerezHilton is a celebrity news blog created and maintained by Mario Lavandeira. Taking a play on the name of Paris Hilton, a blog with entertainment niche and carries the tag line “Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate” is said to make money $140,000 per month. Its main source or revenue comes from banner ads.
  4. Gothamist.com: Gothamist is a blog about the different sides of the New York city. Created and maintained by Jake Dobkin, a blog with the tag line “New York City News, Food, Arts and Events” is earning money from PPC advertising. Gothamist estimated income reached $80,000 per month.
  5. TimothySykes.com: This blog, as the name implies, is owned and managed privately by Timothy Sykes, a trader and hedge fund manager from the United States. With finance niche, Timothy Sykes blog get a lot of income from the sale of financial products affiliate. Each month, the blog with the tag line “Short Selling Penny Stocks” gives at least an income $80.000.
  6. VentureBeat.com: VentureBeat is technology news blog and starts up that maintained by Matt Marshall. Founded in 2004, VentureBeat makes money $62,000 every month for Matt Marshall. The main source of the income comes from PPC advertising.
  7. LifeHacker.com: LifeHacker is a blog that explores practical tips on everyday life. Managed by Gina Trapani and Nick Denton, the blog with the tag line “Tips and Downloads for Getting Things Done” is generating $60,000 primarily from advertising banners.
  8. TutsPLus.com: TutsPlus is a unique blog that contains the various video tutorials and practical tips. Created by Collis Taeed and staffed by a permanent editor for each segment of the tutorial, TutsPlus that carries the tag line “Mad Skills” was generating $55,000 per month. Main source of income is advertising banner.
  9. SmashingMagazine.com: Smashing Magazine is a blog that is primarily intended for web designers and web developers. Each month, Smashing Magazine provides income $50,000 primarily from advertising banners. Created by Vitaly Friedmand, a web developer, in 2006, Smashing Magazine is now executable together with Sven Lennartz, a web designer from Germany.
  10. StevePavlina.com: As the name suggests, StevePavlina.com privately owned and managed by Steve Pavlina, a personal development teacher from Las Vegas, USA. Blogs with the tag line “Personal Development for Smart People” has a monthly income of $45,000. The main source of the income comes from PPC advertising and JV (Joint Venture).

sumber: http://sibukforever.blogspot.com/2012/06/10-blogger-berpenghasilan-di-atas-450

Wow...it's very amazing aren't you? are you interested to be success like them? Don't worry there is Guru that will teach and share to you about how to he went from zero to $ 40.000 in one month from his blog. If you really want to learn about it, you can read here.  I always hope all of you will reach success like them or even more. But of course you have to work hard to achieve it. Now, for beginners firstly have to learn about everything that will support you become a success blogger, practise, praying and always much share the wealth with others or unlucky person. Ok... be successful !!!!

Great Tips for building an affiliate Marketing

The creation called Google Sniper 2.0 has attracted the attention of people who are engaged in the field of affiliate marketing. And so we can say that Google Sniper 2.0 has become a popular term. Applying Google Sniper 2.0 should help those who experience the benefits in term of affiliate marketing. However, some of you might not be familiar with Google Sniper 2.0 yet. So our job here is to enlighten you with the basic definition of such term.

Actually the term has a tight relation to SEO, Search Engine Optimization. So at first we should define the subject as the one which still has a very close relation to the SEO. The Google Sniper 2.0 is actually called as “Gsniper 2.0”, from which you can find a complete package of educational course that is going to teach you how to create a blog or website from scratch. In the course, you will find out one of the most important terms in every SEO work, that is, “niche”. In this base, the course will teach you how to build niche by zooming in on a targeted niche so you can spot a niche within a niche. By the end of the process, a specific keyword will become the main target to be used on any website you have developed. The key for understanding the function of Gsniper 2.0 is the precision of keyword. Thus, basically Gsniper 2.0 will guide you in finding the precise keyword to help you get succeed in affiliate marketing.

Some Tips to follow before Choosing GSniper 2.0

It is easy to imagine some tips that have existed within the Gsniper 2.0. Every single idea written by the course is developed with the intention to make sure that the content of a website is structured and thus it will be working nicely as affiliate marketing. 

As you have realized, the most important thing about affiliate marketing is being organized and focused. Besides those things, it is very imperative for you to follow the right system. We can spot hundreds of online products (thousand more are waiting) that offer easy and quick ways to become a rich person. Which one is the best?

In order to find the best for you, we agree that the first thing to do is looking for testimonials and doing a little research. In every affiliate business, it is important for you to track each real success stories online and to know some bad testimonials. In this sense, you can go to a specific forum and start reading some reviews to find out whether the sniper 2.0 is a scam or a nice one. We encourage you to do that because perhaps you may learn a lot – which is going to be a great investment for the lifeline of your internet business.

Now we need to understand that a single web which is maintained and well equipped with quality articles and posts is the best “property”. So it will be better for you to keep continuing with a series of writing, each of which containing targeted keywords. Simply put, your writing and content should get the very same rhythm with the research technique that Gsniper 2.0 teaches you. You must also keep in your mind: building six up to seven small webs will be more profitable than building a huge website, which generally requires lots of updates and backlinks. 

The purpose of SEO is to put your web at the first page on the search engine result. We all know that. So the next thing to do is learn how SEO will help your website reach the first rank. This one is crucial, especially for those who are willing to choose GSniper 2.0. Before taking the course, make sure that you have mastered SEO and its main elements – proper on and off page optimization, as well as good keyword research.

If you have already built a consistent traffic, now it’s the time for you to seduce the visitors of your web. Make them buy any products you sell. At this point, you can seduce them by offering great designs, spreading nice and right words in order to convince them. Basically, you should be able to seduce visitors until they click on your affiliate link and then buy the product you sell. Don’t forget to place an affiliate link in the proper place.

There is no instant way to get success. And Gsniper 2.0 is merely a powerful tool that will mean nothing if it’s not maximized with the right attitude. Be a Successful !!!

Here is a way to meet with official Google Sniper 2.0, Click Here

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Top 9 Types to BUSINESS Online

I hope this article can help those who are now confused to find a suitable and profitable type to bussiness online. Making money online is a kind of business conducted through the internet which range covers the entire hemisphere. Indeed, the future of this business is very promising and fun. Yes, it is fun as we can start and do the business in our homes as long as we have a computer or laptop and of course an internet network. Interesting, isn’t it?

If you are a beginner in this kind of business, I will try to describe a variety on how to bussiness online so you can practice it directly. Here are 9 kinds to bussiness online:

  1. Affiliate Marketing: If you are interested to have an income from the internet but lack of capital, the Affiliate program is one of the solutions. Affiliate program is a form of business cooperation in which we as Affiliate Marketing act as a liaison between the provider of the product or service with their customers. If one or more of these customer make transactions, we as an affiliate will get some compensation for the work we do (commission). Yes… we usually call it a “Broker” or “Intermediary”. The reason why people prefer affiliate business is that because it does not need some production cost, requires less energy if we compare to the conventional business, and not bound by time and place. Some companies provide Affiliate Program such as Amazon.com, Clickbank.com, Paydotcom.com and much more. If you need some tips on how to run a successful affiliate marketing profession,You can see here .

  2.Business Blogging Services: Business blogging services include blog creation services, ad sense account creation services, and sale template / theme blog, even selling your blog or website itself. Nowadays, this is also become very popular in the internet world.

3. Online Store: As well as the regular stores, we could sell a variety of goods and services in an online store. Online store business is one of the business opportunities that can be tried. Only by having a website, we are able to sell goods and services. We can also do a payment via bank transfer, ATM, or an account on the internet such as PayPal.

   4. PPC (Pay Per Click): One of the advantages of blogging is to provide advertising space on your blog or website. Therefore, you can register your blog or website to a company who provides PPC services. What is PPC (Pay Per Click)? It is an online business program in the form of advertising content or image/ banner of the company that provides commission or will be paid when the installed ads are clicked by the unique visitors. The obtained commission is varied from $0,01 - $20/click and even more according to the performance of the website/ web blog itself for ads which become a yearning of many overseas advertising bloggers such as Google Ad Sense, etc,. If you want to optimize your income from blogging, you can learn here.

5. PTC (Pay to Click): Pay to Click is a kind of business to bussiness online by using a system; we will be paid if you click on ads served on the PTC Company. Therefore, we get a benefit from ad click that we do. The amount of ads and rewards is determined by the PTC Company. In contrast to the PPC, in which we will get the commission if the visitors click the ads, while in PTC we click the ads by ourselves. However, we need to be careful since most of this kind of business is a scam or in other word it is a fraud for not paying. Neobux is a PTC program that most widely used. This PTC program does not require creating a blog. It is only obtained an account by registering in a PTC program.

   6. Paid to Review: It is an online business program that pays the commission on the review that has been written, and then displays on your blog or website. The review is usually in the form of a product, service, or website.
It depends on the program to provide the jobs. For example, Reviewme which is one of the favored Pair Per Review program. On that program, the commission given is between 2 to 5 dollars.

7E book Selling: E book selling is the eBooks business selling via internet. The trick is simple. First, create posts about your experience or expertise in the form of PDF. Second, create a website with a needed domain and hosting. The website will be used to offer your eBook. Third, do some promotions and make it more SEO friendly. You can promote through free classified ads, search engines, mailing list, blogs, etc.

  8. Forex Online Trading: Forex online trading is the largest market in the world measured by the total transaction value. This business requires a high skill and high risk as well. To obtain the benefits, you need to invest some big amount of money.

   9. MLM: It stands for Multi Level Marketing. It is the same with affiliate; you sell the property of MLM companies. To be a successful businessperson in this business, choose the MLM in which the products are needed every day, for example Amway, Oriflamme, and CNI.

Those are some reviews that I can convey to you. I hope that this can be a source for your inspiration to bussiness online.be a successful!! :-)

Top 9 Types to BUSINESS Online

I hope this article can help those who are now confused to find a suitable and profitable type to bussiness online. Making money online is a kind of business conducted through the internet which range covers the entire hemisphere. Indeed, the future of this business is very promising and fun. Yes, it is fun as we can start and do the business in our homes as long as we have a computer or laptop and of course an internet network. Interesting, isn’t it?

If you are a beginner in this kind of business, I will try to describe a variety on how to bussiness online so you can practice it directly. Here are 9 kinds to bussiness online:

  1. Affiliate Marketing: If you are interested to have an income from the internet but lack of capital, the Affiliate program is one of the solutions. Affiliate program is a form of business cooperation in which we as Affiliate Marketing act as a liaison between the provider of the product or service with their customers. If one or more of these customer make transactions, we as an affiliate will get some compensation for the work we do (commission). Yes… we usually call it a “Broker” or “Intermediary”. The reason why people prefer affiliate business is that because it does not need some production cost, requires less energy if we compare to the conventional business, and not bound by time and place. Some companies provide Affiliate Program such as Amazon.com, Clickbank.com, Paydotcom.com and much more. If you need some tips on how to run a successful affiliate marketing profession,You can see here .

  2.Business Blogging Services: Business blogging services include blog creation services, ad sense account creation services, and sale template / theme blog, even selling your blog or website itself. Nowadays, this is also become very popular in the internet world.

3. Online Store: As well as the regular stores, we could sell a variety of goods and services in an online store. Online store business is one of the business opportunities that can be tried. Only by having a website, we are able to sell goods and services. We can also do a payment via bank transfer, ATM, or an account on the internet such as PayPal.

   4. PPC (Pay Per Click): One of the advantages of blogging is to provide advertising space on your blog or website. Therefore, you can register your blog or website to a company who provides PPC services. What is PPC (Pay Per Click)? It is an online business program in the form of advertising content or image/ banner of the company that provides commission or will be paid when the installed ads are clicked by the unique visitors. The obtained commission is varied from $0,01 - $20/click and even more according to the performance of the website/ web blog itself for ads which become a yearning of many overseas advertising bloggers such as Google Ad Sense, etc,. If you want to optimize your income from blogging, you can learn here.

5. PTC (Pay to Click): Pay to Click is a kind of business to bussiness online by using a system; we will be paid if you click on ads served on the PTC Company. Therefore, we get a benefit from ad click that we do. The amount of ads and rewards is determined by the PTC Company. In contrast to the PPC, in which we will get the commission if the visitors click the ads, while in PTC we click the ads by ourselves. However, we need to be careful since most of this kind of business is a scam or in other word it is a fraud for not paying. Neobux is a PTC program that most widely used. This PTC program does not require creating a blog. It is only obtained an account by registering in a PTC program.

   6. Paid to Review: It is an online business program that pays the commission on the review that has been written, and then displays on your blog or website. The review is usually in the form of a product, service, or website.
It depends on the program to provide the jobs. For example, Reviewme which is one of the favored Pair Per Review program. On that program, the commission given is between 2 to 5 dollars.

7E book Selling: E book selling is the eBooks business selling via internet. The trick is simple. First, create posts about your experience or expertise in the form of PDF. Second, create a website with a needed domain and hosting. The website will be used to offer your eBook. Third, do some promotions and make it more SEO friendly. You can promote through free classified ads, search engines, mailing list, blogs, etc.

  8. Forex Online Trading: Forex online trading is the largest market in the world measured by the total transaction value. This business requires a high skill and high risk as well. To obtain the benefits, you need to invest some big amount of money.

   9. MLM: It stands for Multi Level Marketing. It is the same with affiliate; you sell the property of MLM companies. To be a successful businessperson in this business, choose the MLM in which the products are needed every day, for example Amway, Oriflamme, and CNI.

Those are some reviews that I can convey to you. I hope that this can be a source for your inspiration to bussiness online.be a successful!! :-)

7 Source Incomes from Blog

Nowadays, so many people suddenly get rich because of the blessing of the internet. They do not have to work from morning until late evening sometimes. They only work from behind the computer while wearing pajamas or while vacationing on the beach. It is nice, isn’t it? But they still have to be diligent, focus, and hard work to be successful in doing business on the internet.

In this article, I will discuss about 7 sources that can be used as income from your blog, namely:

 1. Ad: This is probably the most common. The ads programs that most widely used are Google Adsense,             WidgetBucks, and Text Link Ads.

2. Affiliate program: There are so many affiliate programs you can join. For instance, foreign affiliate               program that I highly recommend are CLickbank, Lickshare, Commission Junction, and Amazon.

3. Direct Advertising: You also have the opportunity to increase the coffers of money through direct advertising. It means that companies or institutions, who are interested in promoting through your blog, can directly outsource without intermediaries. You can also offering it to them. However, of course they do not want to advertise carelessly. You should also see whether the traffic is high or not, whether your blog visitors is appropriate with the company’s target market, and the image of your blog does not disturb the company’s  image. You know that most of blogs which earn spectacular money are from here.

4.   Blog network: Joining a blog network can increase your income. Usually, the blog network that you follow will also share advertising revenue earned.

5Selling blog: You can create a blog for the purpose of resale. If your blog has high traffic, there are usually more people interested in buying. Sell.

 6. Consultants blog: You can be a consultant for people who intend to create a blog. You can plug the rates for each consultation.

 7. Business writing blog: Since the content of the blog is writing, you can also make it as an opportunity to get an income. You could offer to fill other people’s blogs

It is not just as a source of income, you can dig out everything from your blog. For your motivation, you can see this article here that includes 10 blogger with the highest income in the world.  Well, now what steps you can do to earn money through blog, you can see here the article. Be a successful guys!!

5 Tips for Starting a Successful Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the internet marketing techniques that involve the cooperation between the companies or individuals who have a product or service to be sold, with other people who are going to sell products or services. In the offline version, this term is called an intermediary, broker, etc.

The advantage to take a part on this affiliate program is that you do not need to make your own products so you can be focused on the marketing. Imagine if you are a beginner in the online business, to be able to sell, you have to think about what kind of product will be sold, and then you have to produce it first and sell it. Surely, it will take a long time, right?

By choosing the profession as an affiliate marketer, you can immediately get into this business without having to create the product first. However, you have to realize that even if it is easier in preparing the affiliate marketing business, it has a heavy competition. Therefore, you have to prepare some good strategies to become a successful affiliate marketer. Do you want it?

  1.     Make your own blog or website 
           You need to have your own blog that is well built, reliable, and having a professional look. People will come to your blog and they do not know who you are, so the first impression is very important. The reason for having a good and professional blog is to attract the visitor to stay for long on your blog and encourage them to visit every day.   

           The displayed website or blog that looks good, friendly, informative, and professional is the main requirement for those who want to enter this affiliate business. You have to be understood at first that our goal is to create a blog to convey useful information to the internet users, and selling products is the secondary activity to monetize the blog. It is right, isn’t it? Present the information as possible to the visitors so they will come back again later. Your information must be smooth to directly divert the visitors’ attention to a particular product. Some marketers call it as pre-sales. By presenting interesting articles that have a certain quality; it will attract the visitors continuously.

           However, for beginners, you are able to start this business without having your own blog, for example, send articles to a popular article directory, but this can be risky in the future. The policy owner’s directory can change as the time goes by. Once, I read in the forum there are people who wondering the fate of his articles that contain a particular affiliate product reviews, but unfortunately the article directories said that it is not allowed to advertise anymore in their article directory. It is very unfortunate, isn’t it? Here is my tip so you do not have to lose in the future. In the early stage, you can submit the articles to the famous directory, but only a few posting. Later, after you are already familiar with running the affiliate business, you have to build your own blog. You can use a free or paid blog. If you are not used to write articles, do not be discouraged, many service bureaus provide article creation. You can select the best service bureau by looking at the testimony from those site visitors. Well… what are you waiting? Just do it.

    2.     Give incentives to your blog visitors
        You are not alone; there is always competition in this niche market! You must always be one-step ahead from your rivals to ensure that you capture a significant share of the target market you are aiming. Therefore, you have to use creative ways to encourage people to not only visit your site, but also want to click on the advertising links of the products and services you are promoting. Making a customer list is one of the best ways to gather prospects. From the list, you can offer newsletter subscriptions, free e-books or whatever that you can give for free to your prospects.

    3.  Build link popularity
        Link popularity means that how many sites link to your site. The more sites that you link to you, the more popular your site is. It makes nonsense since if your site is not good, who will link to you? Who wants favorite your site? It can be by submitting useful articles to the article directories. If your articles are distributed throughout the internet, you will have a substantial link. Another way, it could be through the advertising media either free advertising such as backpage or paid advertising like Google Adword. Therefore, when a user clicks on an ad there, it will be directly linked to your website or blog. it must be understood that if you are interested in using Google Adword, you have to study carefully the advertising policies in the Google Adword. As I know, you cannot advertise on matters relating to gain wealth instantly, and it seems that Google does not like affiliate ads.

    4.  Extending the reach
       Get active on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus. Make sure your website has a presence on social networking sites. Remember that creating a successful affiliate site is to connect with your audience wherever they are.

    5.  Build a targeted traffic
       Many affiliate marketers get abundant traffic to their website, but did not earn money from affiliate. Why? It has actually a lot of factors and I think one of the most powerful factors is because the traffic that is not targeted on the topic discussion of your website. This means that the traffic does not have an interest in your product or information.Focus your content and doing the website promotion through a targeted audience as well, for example if your site discusses internet-marketing products, you can join in the facebook groups, community forums or do a guest post on blog that have one topic. This method is very effective to help you succeed in affiliate marketing.

           Of course, not all articles should be given an affiliate link since it will actually waste your articles due to over promotion. You should be wise in distributing affiliate link. Do it elegant and professional. Make articles that are more informative from article reviews (comparison article information: product review article is 5:2)

Those are some tips in running successful affiliate marketing. Hopefully, these moves can help you who want to succeed in this business. If you want to get more accurate tips in which will help you become a successful affiliate marketer, you can read hereBe a succesful guys!!:-)