Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

5 Tips for Starting a Successful Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the internet marketing techniques that involve the cooperation between the companies or individuals who have a product or service to be sold, with other people who are going to sell products or services. In the offline version, this term is called an intermediary, broker, etc.

The advantage to take a part on this affiliate program is that you do not need to make your own products so you can be focused on the marketing. Imagine if you are a beginner in the online business, to be able to sell, you have to think about what kind of product will be sold, and then you have to produce it first and sell it. Surely, it will take a long time, right?

By choosing the profession as an affiliate marketer, you can immediately get into this business without having to create the product first. However, you have to realize that even if it is easier in preparing the affiliate marketing business, it has a heavy competition. Therefore, you have to prepare some good strategies to become a successful affiliate marketer. Do you want it?

  1.     Make your own blog or website 
           You need to have your own blog that is well built, reliable, and having a professional look. People will come to your blog and they do not know who you are, so the first impression is very important. The reason for having a good and professional blog is to attract the visitor to stay for long on your blog and encourage them to visit every day.   

           The displayed website or blog that looks good, friendly, informative, and professional is the main requirement for those who want to enter this affiliate business. You have to be understood at first that our goal is to create a blog to convey useful information to the internet users, and selling products is the secondary activity to monetize the blog. It is right, isn’t it? Present the information as possible to the visitors so they will come back again later. Your information must be smooth to directly divert the visitors’ attention to a particular product. Some marketers call it as pre-sales. By presenting interesting articles that have a certain quality; it will attract the visitors continuously.

           However, for beginners, you are able to start this business without having your own blog, for example, send articles to a popular article directory, but this can be risky in the future. The policy owner’s directory can change as the time goes by. Once, I read in the forum there are people who wondering the fate of his articles that contain a particular affiliate product reviews, but unfortunately the article directories said that it is not allowed to advertise anymore in their article directory. It is very unfortunate, isn’t it? Here is my tip so you do not have to lose in the future. In the early stage, you can submit the articles to the famous directory, but only a few posting. Later, after you are already familiar with running the affiliate business, you have to build your own blog. You can use a free or paid blog. If you are not used to write articles, do not be discouraged, many service bureaus provide article creation. You can select the best service bureau by looking at the testimony from those site visitors. Well… what are you waiting? Just do it.

    2.     Give incentives to your blog visitors
        You are not alone; there is always competition in this niche market! You must always be one-step ahead from your rivals to ensure that you capture a significant share of the target market you are aiming. Therefore, you have to use creative ways to encourage people to not only visit your site, but also want to click on the advertising links of the products and services you are promoting. Making a customer list is one of the best ways to gather prospects. From the list, you can offer newsletter subscriptions, free e-books or whatever that you can give for free to your prospects.

    3.  Build link popularity
        Link popularity means that how many sites link to your site. The more sites that you link to you, the more popular your site is. It makes nonsense since if your site is not good, who will link to you? Who wants favorite your site? It can be by submitting useful articles to the article directories. If your articles are distributed throughout the internet, you will have a substantial link. Another way, it could be through the advertising media either free advertising such as backpage or paid advertising like Google Adword. Therefore, when a user clicks on an ad there, it will be directly linked to your website or blog. it must be understood that if you are interested in using Google Adword, you have to study carefully the advertising policies in the Google Adword. As I know, you cannot advertise on matters relating to gain wealth instantly, and it seems that Google does not like affiliate ads.

    4.  Extending the reach
       Get active on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus. Make sure your website has a presence on social networking sites. Remember that creating a successful affiliate site is to connect with your audience wherever they are.

    5.  Build a targeted traffic
       Many affiliate marketers get abundant traffic to their website, but did not earn money from affiliate. Why? It has actually a lot of factors and I think one of the most powerful factors is because the traffic that is not targeted on the topic discussion of your website. This means that the traffic does not have an interest in your product or information.Focus your content and doing the website promotion through a targeted audience as well, for example if your site discusses internet-marketing products, you can join in the facebook groups, community forums or do a guest post on blog that have one topic. This method is very effective to help you succeed in affiliate marketing.

           Of course, not all articles should be given an affiliate link since it will actually waste your articles due to over promotion. You should be wise in distributing affiliate link. Do it elegant and professional. Make articles that are more informative from article reviews (comparison article information: product review article is 5:2)

Those are some tips in running successful affiliate marketing. Hopefully, these moves can help you who want to succeed in this business. If you want to get more accurate tips in which will help you become a successful affiliate marketer, you can read hereBe a succesful guys!!:-)

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