Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

7 Source Incomes from Blog

Nowadays, so many people suddenly get rich because of the blessing of the internet. They do not have to work from morning until late evening sometimes. They only work from behind the computer while wearing pajamas or while vacationing on the beach. It is nice, isn’t it? But they still have to be diligent, focus, and hard work to be successful in doing business on the internet.

In this article, I will discuss about 7 sources that can be used as income from your blog, namely:

 1. Ad: This is probably the most common. The ads programs that most widely used are Google Adsense,             WidgetBucks, and Text Link Ads.

2. Affiliate program: There are so many affiliate programs you can join. For instance, foreign affiliate               program that I highly recommend are CLickbank, Lickshare, Commission Junction, and Amazon.

3. Direct Advertising: You also have the opportunity to increase the coffers of money through direct advertising. It means that companies or institutions, who are interested in promoting through your blog, can directly outsource without intermediaries. You can also offering it to them. However, of course they do not want to advertise carelessly. You should also see whether the traffic is high or not, whether your blog visitors is appropriate with the company’s target market, and the image of your blog does not disturb the company’s  image. You know that most of blogs which earn spectacular money are from here.

4.   Blog network: Joining a blog network can increase your income. Usually, the blog network that you follow will also share advertising revenue earned.

5Selling blog: You can create a blog for the purpose of resale. If your blog has high traffic, there are usually more people interested in buying. Sell.

 6. Consultants blog: You can be a consultant for people who intend to create a blog. You can plug the rates for each consultation.

 7. Business writing blog: Since the content of the blog is writing, you can also make it as an opportunity to get an income. You could offer to fill other people’s blogs

It is not just as a source of income, you can dig out everything from your blog. For your motivation, you can see this article here that includes 10 blogger with the highest income in the world.  Well, now what steps you can do to earn money through blog, you can see here the article. Be a successful guys!!

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