Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Top 10 Bloggers with the Highest Income in the World

Hi Friends..... According to you, how much does the income that could be obtained a blog? Is a blog can be used to make money? Such questions are asked by many people who want to find other sources of income as Blogger or just want to justify myself that being a blogger is not any good.

Perhaps the answer to this question is actually back to your own. How much income you want from blogging activities? Determine it on your own. To be sure, the blogging world actually offers many opportunities.

This is a concrete example of successful bloggers that get benefits from their blogs, include:

  1. TechCrunch initially managed by Michael Arrington, a lawyer as well as a tech geek. Today, TechCrunch fronted by a number of editors who work as a team. This niche blog is technology and starts up. The earning income per month is $200,000 and the TechCrunch sourced primarily from banner ads. It is said that the spot price of an ad for a month at TechCrunch is $10,000!
  2. Mashable is a blog created by Pete Cashmore, a web technology consultant from Scotland and is currently staffed by 10 people remained editor. Blogs with the tag line ‘The Social Media Guide” is targeted niche social media as a target. Founded in 2005, Mashable is now making money $180,000 per month. Mashable is the main source of income from banner ads.
  3. PerezHilton is a celebrity news blog created and maintained by Mario Lavandeira. Taking a play on the name of Paris Hilton, a blog with entertainment niche and carries the tag line “Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate” is said to make money $140,000 per month. Its main source or revenue comes from banner ads.
  4. Gothamist is a blog about the different sides of the New York city. Created and maintained by Jake Dobkin, a blog with the tag line “New York City News, Food, Arts and Events” is earning money from PPC advertising. Gothamist estimated income reached $80,000 per month.
  5. This blog, as the name implies, is owned and managed privately by Timothy Sykes, a trader and hedge fund manager from the United States. With finance niche, Timothy Sykes blog get a lot of income from the sale of financial products affiliate. Each month, the blog with the tag line “Short Selling Penny Stocks” gives at least an income $80.000.
  6. VentureBeat is technology news blog and starts up that maintained by Matt Marshall. Founded in 2004, VentureBeat makes money $62,000 every month for Matt Marshall. The main source of the income comes from PPC advertising.
  7. LifeHacker is a blog that explores practical tips on everyday life. Managed by Gina Trapani and Nick Denton, the blog with the tag line “Tips and Downloads for Getting Things Done” is generating $60,000 primarily from advertising banners.
  8. TutsPlus is a unique blog that contains the various video tutorials and practical tips. Created by Collis Taeed and staffed by a permanent editor for each segment of the tutorial, TutsPlus that carries the tag line “Mad Skills” was generating $55,000 per month. Main source of income is advertising banner.
  9. Smashing Magazine is a blog that is primarily intended for web designers and web developers. Each month, Smashing Magazine provides income $50,000 primarily from advertising banners. Created by Vitaly Friedmand, a web developer, in 2006, Smashing Magazine is now executable together with Sven Lennartz, a web designer from Germany.
  10. As the name suggests, privately owned and managed by Steve Pavlina, a personal development teacher from Las Vegas, USA. Blogs with the tag line “Personal Development for Smart People” has a monthly income of $45,000. The main source of the income comes from PPC advertising and JV (Joint Venture).

sumber:'s very amazing aren't you? are you interested to be success like them? Don't worry there is Guru that will teach and share to you about how to he went from zero to $ 40.000 in one month from his blog. If you really want to learn about it, you can read here.  I always hope all of you will reach success like them or even more. But of course you have to work hard to achieve it. Now, for beginners firstly have to learn about everything that will support you become a success blogger, practise, praying and always much share the wealth with others or unlucky person. Ok... be successful !!!!

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